Monday, October 5, 2009

October Issue: "The Universe, Yours to Discover"

The United Nations (UN) 62nd General Assembly proclaimed 2009 the International Year of Astronomy. The Resolution was submitted by Italy, Galileo Galilei’s home country. The International Year of Astronomy 2009 is an initiative of the International Astronomical Union and UNESCO.

The International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009) celebrates the first astronomical use of the telescope by Galileo — a momentous event that initiated 400 years of astronomical discoveries and triggered a scientific revolution which profoundly affected our worldview. Now telescopes on the ground and in space explore the Universe, 24 hours a day, across all wavelengths of light. The President of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Catherine Cesarsky says: “The International Year of Astronomy 2009 gives all nations a chance to participate in this ongoing exciting scientific and technological revolution.”


The SWU College of Computer Studies Order of the Lemon Microchip welcomes another month of spectacular issue! This is the second month of online publication done by the organization wherein lots of good ideas and knowledgeable thoughts are once again collaborated. Bearing this October's Month Theme, "The Universe is Yours to Discover", let you explore the distinction of things and for you to find out what is uncertain in the world. This issue aims to provide additional knowledge regarding to the status of the nation for you to be aware of.

This month’s issue wouldn’t be possible without the efforts of the proud writers of College of Computer Studies namely: Joan Antilegando(leader), Jorem Jorge Cantina and Jennifer Silva.

To my proud members, thank you for the efforts you have given for this issue to be successfully completed.

Last month’s issue poll question winner is “To be a Demonic Angel” having 54% of votes. I would also like to acknowledge the writers of last month’s issue namely: Ma. Kim Bolongaita and Novelyn Lao.

Thank you!

Antilegando, Joan S. BSIT-3

What's HOT for this month?!

♣Top 10 Smartest Pens among the Latest Gadgets in Technology♣

10. Signal Pen

It sports an ergonomic shape for comfortable writing. It has the ability to alert the user when to relax the hand and fingers based on the Tensor concept, which states that restricted mobility of hands during gripping and pinching causes tension in the deep neck muscles, leading to psychological stress, pain in the neck and shoulders, as well as swelling of arms and hands.

9. Perfect Office Mate - USB Flash Pen with Laser - 8GB

This elegant pen is a great office companion, providing a few useful tools for everyday use, such as portable flash storage of 8GB, USB 2.0 high-speed connectivity for file transfers between the pen and your computer, a laser module for presentations, and replaceable ink cartridge.

8. One Battery Mobile Charger Pen

It does what its name suggests – helps in resuscitating mobile phones with a pen. The pen uses one AA or Ni-Mh battery and every time you need a power backup tool you can connect your cell phone to the pen and wait about 100 minutes for charging. This will provide you with up to 2 hours of battery life or 20 hours of standby in case of emergency.

7. Wireless Spy Camera Pen with Solar Charger

This pen is different than other models you’re discovering in this article, in that it’s a wireless spy pen with a built-in digital camera that records images with sound and transmits them in real-time to the 2.5-inch TFT LCD display of the MP4 receiver located at up to 20 meters away. The pen works with the 2.4GHz technology and the receiver supports multiple cameras, having 64MB memory expandable up to 2GB via a memory card.

6. DocuPen RC800

It has an advanced scanning functionality enabled in a very small form factor that allows you to carry it with you wherever you go. It is a wireless color scanner introduced by the Canadian company called Planon, as the world’s smallest full page, full color 24 bit portable scanner, which stores hundreds of pages in its 8MB internal flash memory expandable up to 1GB via a microSD card. It allows you to scan color graphics or black/white sketches at up to 24-bit color with 400 dpi resolution. It powers from a rechargeable Li-Ion battery and uses optical timing to scan 205 mm width in 4-8 seconds per page.

5. Livescribe Pulse Smart Pen

The main function of this pen model is to record audio sequences while you are writing, and play them whenever you need to recall specific aspects in your work. It measures 14 x 16 mm at 36 grams.

4. Dane-Elec Zpen

Its main capability is to translate your handwriting into digital format on the computer it connects to via USB. You can write on any type of paper as long as you keep the receiver clipped on the sheet, and store up to 1GB of data.

3. Navisis’s Amazing Pens

Laptop Pen designed to transform your portable computer into a digital notebook with handwriting recognition. We can say it’s a great tool set consisting of a digital pen and a receiver that clips on your computer monitor, both enabling the touch screen functionality for the laptop’s screen. Of course, there is also a specially designed layer that applies on the display’s surface to protect it from scratches caused by the pen.

2. Papershow

Oxford Papershow is a digital pen that recognizes your handwriting on a special interactive paper, sending the data to the Bluetooth receiver plugged into your laptop’s USB port. You can change colors, font size and other settings. Also, the pen has 256 MB internal storage capacity.

1. dotpen pro

dotpen pro from Candle Dragon seems to have everything to be the perfect digital pen, meaning it allows you to write simple text, detailed sketches and draw anything you want, on any type of paper, sending all wirelessly, in real-time, to the design or office applications on the computer or your smart phone. It allows you to read on the display as you write and, more than that, you can use the dotpen pro as a mouse and stylus as well.

Source: Published by Sierra Monica B., on Oct 31 2008, in the categories: Gadgets

-Random thoughts of the month-

Programming-difficult yet EASY?

As a sophomore student of the College of Computer Studies at first, I find my major subjects difficult especially when there is a need to make programs yet an easy one.

The first time I met Programming I, I found it easy because I already encountered those lessons in high school. Yes I already knew those lessons but at first, it takes me two years of backbreaking in order for me to understand those lessons .In Programming II, I found it a very challenging one because there was another computer language introduced to us and that was the C++ language. But at first, in our Programming I, we used java. So there's a so-called adjustment of language but as days and months passed that it was taught by our teacher, I found it as easy as one, two, and three. In my present programming subject, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), I can also absolutely tell that it is one of our easiest programming subject, but the challenging and the most difficult part is by familiarizing and knowing what are the uses of the terms you used in a program.

Of all the programming subjects, I can say that it is difficult yet easy because difficult in a way that you need to adjust, familiarize and master the language you used in a program and knows how to use it in order for you to make programs easily, with that you will find programming as difficult yet as an easy one.

By: Jennifer Silva BSIT-2

☺☺Tips and Tricks☺☺

Student’s Bucket List…

  • Get organized
As a student you will no doubt have so much paperwork and information coming into you, that it is important to have some system in place so you don’t get overwhelmed, especially with course-related work. There is lots of potential to get stressed out at university, so having a good GTD based system in place to keep you focused and organized is key. Because you have so much freedom as to how you learn and study, it is so much more important that you are able to manage yourself and your time so as to keep you disciplined. Read some of the posts under GTD category to get you started.

  • Avoid credit cards!
When it comes to credit cards, loans, overdrafts and other similar financial aid, banks and companies are not offering you them out of the kindness of their hearts. For example, my friend tried to apply for a loan but the bank said he had too good a chance of paying it back in time. In other words it was not to the advantage of the bank, because they would not get the extra benefits of missed payments, interest etc. It was a rare show of honesty but it summed up their attitude. Students are easy targets for them because they know they are typically short of money.

  • Track your spending
It’s a valuable habit to get into and being a student, with all the difficulties of juggling expenditure, is a good time to start practicing it. Keep a log of how much money you have coming in and how you are spending it. That way you can tell exactly where your money is going and make important conclusions from it.

  • Textbooks
Speaking of books, they are typically very big expense so buy used ones where possible(Amazon, eBay, etc) and then sell them on when you’ve finished with them to cut some of the costs. You will very rarely need to keep the books once you are finished the course anyway. It is always beneficial to have your own copy of a book but do also consider whether you can make do with taking what you need out of the library instead. There is also the option of sharing a book between small groups of friends.

  • Night outs
We all know it’s a pretty common thing to do at college/uni; going to the uni bar, parties, nightclubs, etc. If you are worried about spending a lot, do what a friend suggested to me and take out a set amount of money beforehand (and ideally when you are sober) and then leave your bank card at home. Another way to save money is to not go out into town, but buy drinks from the shop and drink at home with a few friends. Bars and pubs tend have inflated prices and that’s on top of having to pay to get into places.

  • Use your campus
Get to know your campus quickly. It’s where you will spend a lot of your time and by acclimatising yourself to it early, you will settle in much more quickly, making those first few weeks more pleasant. You will also learn the little quirks like the most quiet place to study, or the busiest time in the canteen. By knowing about your campus you will be able to make the most of the facilities. Any half-decent college/university will host plenty of free/cheap entertainment and special events. They are much better for your finances than expensive nights out round town.

  • Your social network
On top of getting to know your campus, consider getting to know and befriend as many people as possible, whether it be other students or lecturers. It makes acclimatising to university much more easy if you have people you can talk to and trust. It can also open up lots of opportunities. A lecturer you can comfortably talk to may be able to provide advice on your work, and it can be so much easier to do group work if you have friends on your course. Freshers week is great for achieving all this as there will be so many other people in the same position as you. Look to join groups that have the same interests as yours!

  • Don’t get a car
Cars may be useful, but they can also be extra expensive, especially when you take into account maintenance, insurance and road tax. Where possible live in or near campus so you don’t have to drive. Get used to using public transport as quickly as possible, because it’s cheaper than running a car and you can typically get some form of discount for being a student. The other problem from having a car is all your friends will expect lifts from you which can complicate matters. If you have no problems being a bit cheeky, ask any of your friends with cars to give you lifts instead.

  • Bad influences
At college or university, there will always be kids with rich parents and relatives and those who willfully walk into debt without a second thought. Avoid hanging around them too much otherwise you may find yourself getting involved in their expensive lifestyles also. Beware of lifestyle inflation! If you get accustomed to their sort of living it can be very difficult to drop back down to a lifestyle more appropriate to your expenditure.

  • Appreciate your time at college/university
It’s a unique experience that most people can only really go through once so make the most of it. Some people focus so much on the fun side of things that they come away with a poor degree. Likewise some people are so into their work, they neglect to make friends and gain other experiences. You can work hard and play hard!


On the soft side of the issue...

"Gateway on Climate Change"

How can we discover the universe if it is already gone? "We need to gather together. We don't want to blame or point fingers at each other," said Yaqoub al-Sanada, counsellor at the Kuwaiti mission to the UN.A question and a statement that means a lot.

The concerned of United Nation Organization (UNO) now-a-days is the abnormalities of our climate. They planned to have a shock therapy for this problem and that only possible if the leaders of the country members will cooperate. There's one diplomat said that "We need these leaders to go outside their usual comfort zone. Our sense is that leaders have got a little too cosy and comfortable. They really have to hear from countries that are vulnerable and suffering". Not only the leaders are needed in this proposal, but we people who are leaving in this planet earth. We must not ruin our Mother Earth, instead, we must care for her for our grandchildren’s children.

Today, we clearly see the effects of Climate Change. We must do something instead of blaming each other because we can no longer change the mistakes we have done in the past. And for us to discover the Universe, we must do a denouement and now is the right time, there's no need to wait for tomorrow to prevent the loss of property, economy and life.


The Disappearing Tile

In the picture above are two triangles made up of 2 sets of blocks. Each set is identical. In the top figure, the triangle fills one-half of a rectangle that is 13 units by 5 units, as you can see by the numbers along two sides of the triangle. By rearranging the pieces the way you see in the lower figure, we end up with one empty square. Both triangles are 5x13, and both are made up of the exact same cut out shapes. Feel free to print a copy of this page and cut out the shapes for yourself if you don't believe it.

Where did the extra tile go?

What is in line for October:

Oct.3 - 5th CCS Recognition Day

Oct.5 - Flag Raising (Sponsored by: CCS and ISSU)

Oct.7 - CCS Spirit Day

Oct. 6 and 7 - Final exam for graduating students

Oct.12 to 17 - Final exam for non-graduating students

Oct.18 - End of the first semester

Oct.20 - SWU Commencement Exercise