Wednesday, November 4, 2009

■▄▀Random Thoughts▀▄■

How was the Eagle Like?

Mr. Eagle, the king of the air sets forth flying every horizon with mental and physical capability ready in meeting the odds. He usually flies alone with such strong determination and direction as to where the best to land and lift his life.

Ever since, I used to be quiet and simple that embodies the whole range of CCS sophomore students; struggling to maintain good scholastic record and as to never fail in our major subjects which we fated to believe that these are the keys for landing a better job and for our bright future as we explore the reality. My life as an IT student is never been easy since I am a naturalist and I am not used to of the advancement of modern technology like computer that diverges the whole wide world which is very relevant in my field of study.

Honestly, I am living far away from civilization where there is no such an aggressive access to newly and worldly gadgets. With the thought that life is so unfair, I was mistaken. Despite the tight barriers, with a heart hungered in knowledge of computer literacy, I enrolled in a computer related course. It was a bit terrific yet nerve-breaking when I got to realize that my course is more challenging than I expected it to be especially when I met one of the hardest subjects I ever encountered - PROGRAMMING II.

It never comprehended me at first. The subject was really mean for me but God is really good for bestowing us Ms.Sheryl B. Satorre, one of the best teachers in CCS. She has the edge, intellectual ideas, patience and methods of teaching us. With her might, I was educated. Yes! I even failed in her subject before in my prelim grade for my negligence and carelessness. My course taught me not only technically but also the bearable virtues which we all need in the real combat of our life. Logic, focus, patience and passion were the few important things I gained and cherished.

Sometimes I'm scared that I could not meet the realization of my dreams. The odds are not the hindrance, it does not limit our skills and abilities yet it's God's avenue to open a wide pave of opportunities which He knows we can be more fruitful and successful. It is a horizon to go beyond and conquer. It is something to look forward to.

Doubts and questions that mock me had been given the definite answers. For I believe that what a mind can conceive, the body can achieve. I also used to believe in fairy tales that dream do really come true and has a happy ending story. So let's fly high and aim high like how the eagle soars.


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