What is AntiVirus software, and why do I need it?A: AntiVirus software protects your computer from "viruses," "trojans," "worms," and other malicious software that may damage your computer, along with other computers on the Internet. A requirement of the UCI Residential Network Computer Use Policy is having a current and up-to-date AntiVirus program on your system. This is to protect your computer, along with the thousands of other systems on the UCI Residential Network.What can happen if my system is not protected?A: Viruses can do a wide range of things. They can be harmless and simply pass around annoying messages, or they can be very destructive and wipe out all of your data. Most of the time when there is a problem with access to the internet, it is because of an infected PC attacking a system on the Internet, thus blocking legitimate internet access. Following this guide will help reduce the number of infected PCs and related problems.McAfee Installation Instructions: NOTE:
• You must be logged in as administrator or an account with equivalent permissions.
• This installation guide only applies to MS Internet Explorer. If your are using a browser other than MS Internet Explorer, please refer to your browser's help section for file download instructions specific to your browser.
1. Download McAfee Antivirus.
2. Click on Run.
3. Click on Run again.
4. When the download is complete, the installer will begin preparing itself.
5. Begin the installation by clicking "Next".
6. Select the appropriate License Expiry Type (in the drop down menu in the upper left of the window). Then select the button for "I accept the terms..." and click OK.
7. If you already have McAfee Antivirus installed, you may see this screen. Just click OK and the installer wizard will import your old settings into the new version of McAfee.
8. For setup type, click Next.
9. The Wizard will now begin installing the files. It may pause the installation process and ask you to end particular applications so that it can safely continue the installation.
10. After a successful installation, McAfee will ask if you want to update the virus definitions and run a scan; you should do both.
11. Once installation is complete, McAfee will automatically update the virus definitions. Once the updates are finished click Close.
12. When the update is complete, McAfee will scan the computer for viruses.
13. Once the virus scan is complete, click OK and restart your computer to load the network driver.
14. Return to the Cisco Clean Access Agent and click Next. If there are additional steps that need to be taken before you can access the network, you will be given instructions on what to do.