The Department of Education joins the nation in the observance of Nutrition Month this July. Pegged on the theme, "Healthy Lifestyle ng Kabataan, Landas sa Kinabukasan," the celebration focuses on the nutrition and health needs of Filipino adolescents and children. Its particular focus is on the consumption of nutritious food to prepare them for adulthood and instill in them the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
_-'Health is Wealth',-_
The Department of Education joins the nation in the observance of Nutrition Month this July. Pegged on the theme, "Healthy Lifestyle ng Kabataan, Landas sa Kinabukasan," the celebration focuses on the nutrition and health needs of Filipino adolescents and children. Its particular focus is on the consumption of nutritious food to prepare them for adulthood and instill in them the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
The SWU College
of Computer Studies Order of the Lemon Microchip welcomes another month of
spectacular issue! This is the another year of online publication done by the
organization wherein lots of good ideas and knowledgeable thoughts are once
again collaborated. Bearing this July's Month Theme, "Healthy Lifestyle ng Kabataan,
Landas sa Kinabukasan", let you know and understand the campaign that
is designed to focus attention on the importance of making informed food
choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.
month’s issue wouldn’t be possible without the efforts of the proud writers of College of Computer Studies namely: Joan
Antilegando(leader), Jorem Jorge Cantina and Jennifer Silva.
To my
proud members, thank you for the efforts you have given for this issue to be
successfully completed. This is our second issue to be publish and I thank you
for the same support you have given to me.
month’s issue poll question winner is “FACEBOOK” having 100% of votes. I would also like to acknowledge the
writers of last month’s issue namely: Ma. Kim Bolongaita and Novelyn Lao.
Joan Antilegando
_-'Random Thoughts',-_
Check Your Email!
"Check your email!" , words that I always hear from "MR. JAVA MAN" , Francisco Yap. It sounds weird for me at first; because it planted many questions in my head of what kind of mail he will send to his students.
During my second year days and at that time Mr. Yap was one of our newest instructors in our college. One time, the higher years teased (Check your email!) to me and it seems like I was an innocent girl, who is wondering, why should he sent me an email? Until such time that now, he was our teacher in Web Development subject, all my questions were answered. At first, I don't like his teaching strategy because, he will no totally explained everything but as what I realized that it is not all the time that the teachers are always give or spoon feed everything. Student must do our duty and have initiative on it. Mr. Java Man provided us everything by means of sending emails to us individually about our lessons and by posting the notes in our common folder. It is us, as his student, who will discover and learn his lessons. A teaching strategy that challenges the students to become more focus on their studies.
So, if you will meet Mr. Francisco Yap in class, expect the word "DID YOU CHECK YOUR EMAIL?".
"Check your email!" , words that I always hear from "MR. JAVA MAN" , Francisco Yap. It sounds weird for me at first; because it planted many questions in my head of what kind of mail he will send to his students.
During my second year days and at that time Mr. Yap was one of our newest instructors in our college. One time, the higher years teased (Check your email!) to me and it seems like I was an innocent girl, who is wondering, why should he sent me an email? Until such time that now, he was our teacher in Web Development subject, all my questions were answered. At first, I don't like his teaching strategy because, he will no totally explained everything but as what I realized that it is not all the time that the teachers are always give or spoon feed everything. Student must do our duty and have initiative on it. Mr. Java Man provided us everything by means of sending emails to us individually about our lessons and by posting the notes in our common folder. It is us, as his student, who will discover and learn his lessons. A teaching strategy that challenges the students to become more focus on their studies.
So, if you will meet Mr. Francisco Yap in class, expect the word "DID YOU CHECK YOUR EMAIL?".
_-'What's Hot for the Month',-_
a. Touch-Screen Laptops Review
Today every body seems to have a laptop though many don’t seem to have touch screen laptops. This may be because they think that the laptops are priced way out of their range and too complicated to operate. Touch screen laptops would be a great asset to use especially in the school of business as it provides more interactivity with the computer as it helps complete tasks faster. These touch screen laptop allows you to handwrite documents, create images and diagrams. You can also launch applications without use of the mouse or keyboard. They however come with the options of inserting keyboard or mouse. The only problem of the touch screen is the damage on the hinge due to over use but manufacturers are concentrating on fixing this problem.
b. Touch Screen Care and Cleaning
Cleaning of touch screens needs a lot of care to ensure the delicate LCD touch screens are not damaged. Use a soft lint free cloth soaked in screen cleaner or distilled water to wipe the screen and then dry it with dry and soft lint. Choose a screen cleaner that is alcohol and ammonia free as these chemicals can cause damage to the touch screen.
There are cleaning wipes which are have been designed to clean computer screens, don’t forget to select those cleaning wipes which do not contain the chemicals mentioned above. Clean your screens thoroughly and wipe even the screen corners and other places that can not be reached easily.
C. Solar Panels for Energy Alternatives
Solar energy refers basically to the use of solar radiation for a practical end. All renewable energies other than geothermal and tidal derive their energy from the sun. Solar energy has been considered as a very cost effective way of providing energy for home and even office utilization. Since it is considered as free as a renewable resource, you can greatly reduce your electricity bill.
Solar panels provide energy that is renewable, and will not run out within the next century. This energy can easily be converted into other forms of energy such as heat and electricity. However, this energy is not constant and requires a large surface to collect the energy at a useful rate.
d. Style Up with Green Gadgets
The demand for green products is rising rapidly and this has been brought about by the need for people to preserve their surrounding. This is the only way to make the world a better place to live in for you and other people as well. Green gadgets are the in thing and the only way to style up is to use them.
Whether it is a phone, clock, navigational unit or computer accessories, green products will prove to be valuable in the long run. There are many online companies producing and selling green gadgets and the best thing is that they are affordable and long lasting.
_-'Tips and Tricks',-_
Ways to improve the nutritional status of adolescents 1. Parents should always remind their children to always try and make time for a good meal. Emphasize the importance of eating breakfast and other meals. A good meal helps in maintaining concentration in school or work; prepares the body for work and sports; and above all keeps one healthy. 2. Parents should also inform their children that skipping breakfast will not make them lose weight but instead may even make them gain weight because of the tendency to eat more when they get hungry. 3. ating a good breakfast may help prevent bingeing or overeating or frequent nibbling by the adolescents in the school because he/she will not feel hungry immediately. 4. Encourage adolescents to sleep early so they wake up early. By doing so, the adolescent will have more time to prepare for school and for breakfast. 5. Ensure that breakfast foods are prepared for them to be able to eat before they leave for school. 6. Adolescents are encouraged to eat breakfast or a meal if they are joined with someone. As much as possible, parents and other family members should enjoy family meal together. 7. One of the reasons for skipping breakfast is the lack of appetite especially during the early morning. When eating breakfast is not possible, it may be good to pack her/his breakfast, so she/he can take this while on board the school bus or before the class starts. II. Ensuring healthy, nutritious meals for adolescents is important.1. Encourage family members including adolescents to eat a variety of foods every day following the Guide to Good Nutrition. a. Increase consumption of vegetables particularly the leafy and yellow vegetables like alugbati, saluyot, malunggay, kamote tops, kangkong and fresh salads. b. Eat at least 2-3 servings of fruits. They are rich sources of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and potassium. 2. Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, low in fat, saturated fats and cholesterol. Limit consumption of fatty foods especially those from animal sources. Moderate in sugars and salt that provides enough calcium and iron to meet the growing body needs. 3. Buy only nutritious snack food items. Many commercial snack foods are high in fat, sugar or salt with very few other nutrients. Apart from not making much contribution to the recommended daily intake, this may lead to overweight, dental caries and other health problems. Occasional use is fine especially when one needs extra energy, but do not overdo it. 4. Eat breakfast that is high in complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, root crops, whole grain cereals, and bread. 5. Eating away from home could still be healthy. Parents should remind their kids to make wise choices in food when they buy their meals or snacks in school. 6. Encourage adolescents to bring packed meals from home which are not only nutritious but safe as well. 7. When eating out, choose foods cautiously, making good use of salads, and fruits. Try not to eat out everyday. 8. Prepare and serve nutritious foods that are appetizing at home which could serve as guide for adolescents when choosing foods in school. 9. Teach adolescents the negative consequences of fad diets to their health. III. Addressing eating disorders Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are more than just eating disorders. These are considered as psychological disorders by most experts. Consulting a dietitian, a psychologist or a medical doctor will help in coming up with an effective treatment plan for the adolescent. It is also important that parents give comfort and support to the adolescent during this time, simply by giving love and compassion, appreciating them more and giving them quality time. IV. What should an underweight adolescent do to achieve normal weight? It is important for the adolescent to check on his/her weight regularly (at least twice a year) and if this is within the range of healthy weight for his/her age and height. If found to be underweight, it is important for the adolescent to acknowledge and accept his/her situation so that necessary actions could be done to correct his/her weight to prevent any further complications or deficiencies. The adolescent should be advised on the kind and amount of foods to eat until such time that he/she reaches his/her ideal body weight. The underweight adolescent should have additional intake of foods that are high in complex carbohydrates like whole grain cereals. Items from number 11.e should also be followed by the adolescent to help increase his/her weight and ensure that he/she takes nutritious meals. If the adolescent is severely underweight, it is important that a nutritionist-dietitian be consulted to help in planning out a nutritious and healthy meal for him/her. |
V. What should an overweight adolescent do to achieve normal weight? Adolescents, most especially females, are sensitive to the issue of weight and weight gain. More realistic advice should be given to them on how to lose weight and to achieve their normal weight. The adolescent should look at weight problem in a positive manner with the parents providing emotional support. The following approaches and advices are recommended to help overweight adolescents lose weight: 1. Eliminate eating triggers such as the sight of high-calorie snacks in the house. 2. Keep nutritious, lower-calorie foods, including fruits and vegetables, in the house and make them convenient to choose and eat. 3. Reassess the family eating style. Make meals more interesting, enjoyable and fun. 4. Do fun activities as a family. 5. Talk, listen and offer support and alternatives to address the problems of adolescent to prevent her/him to eat as an emotional response. 6. Consult a registered nutritionist-dietitian to help the adolescent develop a healthy and nutritious weight-reducing diet plan. VI. Taking care of the pregnant adolescent Many adolescents engage in sexual activities. These practices are very risky to the adolescent considering their lack of knowledge on reproductive health and on skills for safer sex practices. As a result, many teenagers experience unwanted pregnancies. It is important that the diet of pregnant teenagers should be well planned to ensure that the pregnant teen and her baby get the nutrients they both need for growth. In adolescent pregnancy, it is not only the mother who may suffer from malnutrition but also the infant. Pregnancy places the adolescent at high risk of undernutrition and anemia because of the double demands in nutrient requirements and intake; demand for her growing body and demand on her pregnancy. It does not only put the adolescent to physical stress but also psychologically because she has to provide for her nutrient needs and as well as for the baby. The pregnant adolescent is also at risk of other complications such as toxemia and delivering her baby prematurely. A study in Laguna (undated) revealed that abortion, stillbirths, prematurity and other complications of pregnancy are likely to occur with pregnancies below 20 years old. It is important that a pregnant adolescent get sound advice and guidance from the OB-Gynecologist and a nutritionist-dietitian. These professionals can help her plan an appropriate diet for her to avoid complications and nutrient deficiencies during her pregnancy. Micronutrient supplementation and careful diet plan will help the pregnant adolescent go through a normal and healthy pregnancy. Interventions should focus on increasing iron and calcium intakes of the pregnant adolescent. Pre-natal check-ups and counseling is also important. It is also critical that the family be very supportive and more sympathetic since the pregnant adolescent is in a very delicate condition. Thus, providing a happy, stress-free environment would ensure a normal pregnancy. |
_-On the Soft Side,-_
What are your favorite foods? Is it the oily, fatty and salty one? It shouldn't be, we must be conscious in our health particularly in what we eat. It doesn't mean that you won't eat anymore, 'cause you don't like what you eat. It is balancing of everything, not too much salty, oily and fatty or shall I say have moderation to unhealthy food.
According to a nutrition trends survey 73% of us think, eating healthier means giving up our favorite food. Is this means 27% of us are sacrificing in eating the right food? I think sacrificing is not the right word for an individual who is very much conscious with their health. It is just that, they want a healthy lifestyle, where they are free from sickness and danger from illness.
So, we as a young generation in a modern world, for a healthier tomorrow, we must have a healthy eating plan to reach our goals with a healthy mind and body.
_-Sunggo of the Month,-_
These words belong to the same logical family:
Which of these words does too?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
School is Cool
This is the month of JUNE! Guys the month for SCHOOL!! We have the theme: "School Is Cool" which fits on this month's issues we store for you! It's another start of a new venture towards meeting new friends and colleagues as well as the school stuff! We are really going to have fun in exploring the new lessons to take up and the professor's we might like or not! Just be aware and adapt to the school environment you are in. Never say you can't handle it because we know if you are just willing to learn then you can do it! Show it off guys that School is fun, colorful and don't ever think of difficulties! There is always a solution to every problem we face and that is if we are strong enough to overcome whatever it takes!!!!! :)
The College Of Computer Studies, Order of The Lemon Microchip published this June's issue with the Theme: "School Is Cool". This lets you read articles that help you on how to love schooling. Inculcating into the student's mind that "Proving your worth as a STUDENT is the NAME of the GAME you are PLAYING ". So, guys chill out and be delight of the game you are into!
In behalf of the March's issue writers: Rhea Maris Busico, Bella Donna Econar and Maryflor Tañan; we would like to thank them, for a great issue they had published and shared! Kudos guys! You did a nice job! ;)
Last March Poll Question :
"Which would you prefer to spend with your graduation? .
100% voted to spend it with their family!:)
In behalf of the March's issue writers: Rhea Maris Busico, Bella Donna Econar and Maryflor Tañan; we would like to thank them, for a great issue they had published and shared! Kudos guys! You did a nice job! ;)
Last March Poll Question :
"Which would you prefer to spend with your graduation? .
100% voted to spend it with their family!:)
Random Thoughts
First Year College Experience
Some of us may like to forget our freshman year, but in general it is a time filled with anticipation, some anxiety, and wonderful discoveries.
College is a lot different than high school. You may decide to commute from your home to a local campus. Your freshman experience will definitely make an impression on you. Without doubt, though, the most dramatic freshman year is for those living away from home. What can you expect as you head off into the wonderful world of higher education?
The first thing you'll notice is the workload. It will be heavier and more intense than you ever experienced before. The major challenges of college work are the large volume of reading, the short deadlines, and the writing, writing, writing. A related effect that can be brought on by the workload is doubt, frustration, and possibly loneliness. You'll be away from the comforts and friendships your home provided for you over the previous years.
The transition from high school to college is daunting for most 18-year olds, but parents, too, feel the stress associated with sending a child away to college for the first time. Understanding the concerns of college freshman and what you, as a parent, can do to make the transition easier will alleviate some of the anxiety - for you and your son or daughter.
On some of those long, seemingly endless nights of studying and writing, it will be only natural for you to long for the good old days. Hang in there. These down periods will pass. Whatever you do, don't make major decisions about your major, your courses, or even your roommate during one of these blue periods. Things always look better in the morning.
You'll be making a lot of new friends. Continue to be yourself. Don't strike a pose or play the role of someone you're not. Select your friends with the same care and patience you have always used. Believe it or not, your college friendships will be among the most satisfying and long-term of your life. It's always exciting to discover how wonderfully diverse college relationships can be.
You'll also be on your own, your own boss (more or less) 24 hours a day. Be careful here. Don't go flying off the end of the pier. Enjoy your newfound freedom. Stay up until dawn talking about your ideals and ambitions with your dorm's regular bull session buddies. Sleep in until the afternoon on a light class day. Explore the local town or suburbs with one or two of your new friends. Remember, though, with freedom comes responsibility. Even though your parents won't be around to follow up on your loose ends, you shouldn't let things go completely. Just find your own style.
To sum it up, it's the coping up with the new environment is the number one thing that worries most freshmen students.
What's HOT?!?!?
Sony Billabong Vaio W series brings in the colour with technology
• 10.1 inch LED backlit LCD screen
• 1366 x 768 resolution
• 1.83GHz Intel Atom Processor
• A 250GB 5400rpm SATA HDD
• A pre-installed 32-bit Microsoft OS Windows 7 Starter
• The CPU is a 1.66GHz Atom and it has 1GB of RAM
• Bluetooth 2.1 enabled
• Has a Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n
• Dimensions are: 10.54″ x 1.08-2.00″ x 7.07″
• 1366 x 768 resolution
• 1.83GHz Intel Atom Processor
• A 250GB 5400rpm SATA HDD
• A pre-installed 32-bit Microsoft OS Windows 7 Starter
• The CPU is a 1.66GHz Atom and it has 1GB of RAM
• Bluetooth 2.1 enabled
• Has a Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n
• Dimensions are: 10.54″ x 1.08-2.00″ x 7.07″
Apple iPhone 4 Shines bright with the Highest Resolution Count
• 3.5 inch Multi-Touch Display widescreen
• Finger print resistant oleophobic coating on front and back both.
• 5 megapixel still camera with LED flash
• 960 x 640 pixel resolution at 326 ppi
• Retina display
• 16 GB or 32 GB flash drive
• Displays multiple languages and characters simultaneously
• 300 hours of standby battery time
• VGA- quality photos and videos at up to 30 fps with front camera
• 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi
• Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR wireless technology
• 24% thinner than the iPhone 3GS
• Finger print resistant oleophobic coating on front and back both.
• 5 megapixel still camera with LED flash
• 960 x 640 pixel resolution at 326 ppi
• Retina display
• 16 GB or 32 GB flash drive
• Displays multiple languages and characters simultaneously
• 300 hours of standby battery time
• VGA- quality photos and videos at up to 30 fps with front camera
• 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi
• Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR wireless technology
• 24% thinner than the iPhone 3GS
Has Porsche accidently revealed the next 928?
This is not a Porsche 928. It’s just an interesting sketch, found posted on the internet at Porsche Consulting’s website. There are some new rumors about a 2-door GT in the same vein of the Porsche 928, and this sketch is similar to some of the renderings that have been floating around. Of course, you toss a bunch of Porsche design elements in a blender, and it wouldn’t be hard to come up with this vehicle.
The takeaway here is that there are likely hundreds, even thousands of drawings floating about in Stuttgart that show cars with no true bearing on production reality. Despite rumors that Porsche is working on a new “928″ that may be a Panamera variant, it’d be a stretch to believe that this sketch represents anything about that project, barring specific knowledge. If it helps you sleep at night, go ahead and ascribe undue importance to it, but until anyone knows more, remember that this is just a cool picture on a website. Thanks for the tip, Ian!
[Source: Porsche Consulting]
Communication Gadget Concept
Presenting a concept gadget for communication so cool it is only known as the Communication Gadget. As you can see, that metal tube has some “pop-out” feet and can project a keyboard and some textual display there. I am assuming that there is some sort of sensor to detect the fingers tapping for input.This isn’t the first time that I have seen a device with a projected keyboard before with sensors, but this one can directly to an ICQ server.The text above this keyboard must be just text, and I don’t see any possibility of it doing any more advanced graphics than this. After all, it only has a red laser thing going on.I think that we all know that this is where computers and mobiles are headed. That is, a projector that can make a keyboard and display and make any wall, tabletop, floor, or ceiling into a PC.
Tips 'n Tricks
25 Tips to Help You Survive and Thrive Your Freshman Year and Beyond
- Go to all orientations. Do you really need to go on yet another campus tour? Yes. The faster you learn your way around campus -- and around all the red tape -- the more at ease you'll feel and the better prepared you'll be when issues arise.
- Get to know your roommate and others in your residence hall. The people you live with, most of whom are going through similar experiences and emotions, are your main safety net -- not only this year, but for all your years. You may change roommates after the first semester or you may stay roommates for all four years -- just take the time to get to know your fellow first-year students.
- Get Organized. In high school, the teachers tended to lead you through all the homework and due dates. In college, the professors post the assignments -- often for the entire semester -- and expect you to be prepared. Buy an organizer, a PDA, a big wall calendar -- whatever it takes for you to know when assignments are due.
- Find the ideal place for you to study. It may be your dorm room or a cozy corner of the library, but find a place that works best for you to get your work done -- while avoiding as many distractions as possible.
- Go to class. Obvious, right? Maybe, but sleeping in and skipping that 8 am class will be tempting at times. Avoid the temptation. Besides learning the material by attending classes, you'll also receive vital information from the professors about what to expect on tests, changes in due dates, etc.
- Become an expert on course requirements and due dates. Professors spend hours and hours preparing course syllabi and calendars so that you will know exactly what is expected of you -- and when. One of the lamest excuses a student can give a professor: "I didn't know it was due today."
- Meet with your professors. Speaking as a professor, I can assure you there are only upsides to getting to know your professors, especially if later in the semester you run into some snags. Professors schedule office hours for the sole purpose of meeting with students -- take advantage of that time.
- Get to know your academic adviser. This is the person who will help you with course conflicts, adding or dropping courses, scheduling of classes for future semesters, deciding on majors and minors. This person is a key resource for you -- and should be the person you turn to with any academic issues or conflicts. And don't be afraid of requesting another adviser if you don't click with the one first assigned to you.
- Seek a balance. College life is a mixture of social and academic happenings. Don't tip the balance too far in either direction. One of my favorite former students always used to say her motto was to "study hard so she could play hard."
- Get involved on campus. A big problem for a lot of new students is a combination of homesickness and a feeling of not quite belonging. A solution? Consider joining a select group -- and be careful not to go overboard -- of student organizations, clubs, sororities or fraternities, or sports teams. You'll make new friends, learn new skills, and feel more connected to your school.
- Strive for good grades. Another obvious one here, right? Remember the words of the opening paragraph; while good grades could have come naturally to you in high school, you will have to earn them in college -- and that means setting some goals for yourself and then making sure you work as hard as you can to achieve them.
- Take advantage of the study resources on campus. Just about all colleges have learning labs and tutors available. If you're having some troubles, these resources are another tool available to you. Another idea: form study groups.
- Make time for you. Be sure you set aside some time and activities that help you relax and take the stress out of your day or week. Whether it's enlisting yoga techniques, watching your favorite television shows, or writing in a journal, be good to yourself.
- Don't feel pressured to make a hasty decision about a career or a major. It doesn't matter if it seems as though everyone else seems to know what they're doing with their lives -- believe me, they don't -- college is the time for you to really discover who you are, what you enjoy doing, what you're good at, and what you want to be. It's not a race; take your time and enjoy exploring your options.
- Take responsibility for yourself and your actions. Don't look to place the blame on others for your mistakes; own up to them and move on. Being an adult means taking responsibility for everything that happens to you.
- Make connections with students in your classes. One of my best students said his technique in the first week of classes was to meet at least one new person in each of his classes. It expanded his network of friends -- and was a crucial resource at times when he had to miss a class.
- Find the Career Services Office. Regardless of whether you are entering college as undeclared or have your entire future mapped out, seek out the wonderful professionals in your college's career services office and get started on planning, preparing, and acting on your future.
- Don't procrastinate; prioritize your life. It may have been easy in high school to wait until the last minute to complete an assignment and still get a good grade, but that kind of stuff will not work for you in college. Give yourself deadlines -- and stick to them.
- Stay healthy/Eat Right. A lot of problems first-year students face can be traced back to an illness that kept them away from classes for an extended period of time that led to a downward spiraling effect. Get enough sleep, take your vitamins, and eat right. If you haven't heard the jokes about college food, you soon will. And without mom or dad there to serve you a balanced meal, you may be tempted to go for those extra fries or cookies. Stay healthy and avoid the dreaded extra "Freshman 15" pounds by sticking to a balanced diet.
- Learn to cope with homesickness. It's only natural that there will be times when you miss your family, even if you were one of those kids who couldn't wait to get away. Find a way to deal with those feelings, such as making a phone call or sending some email home.
- Stay on campus as much as possible. Whether it's homesickness, a job, or a boyfriend or girlfriend from home, try not to leave campus too soon or too often. The more time you spend on getting to know the campus and your new friends, the more you'll feel at home at school. And why not take advantage of all the cultural and social events that happen on campus?
- Seek professional help when you need it. Most colleges have health and counseling centers. If you're sick or feeling isolated or depressed, please take advantage of the many services these offices provide students. You don't have to face these issues by yourself.
- Keep track of your money. If you've never had to create a budget, now is the time to do so. Find ways to stretch your money - and as best you can, avoid all those credit card solicitations you'll soon be receiving. The average credit card debt of college grads is staggering.
- Don't cut corners. College is all about learning. If you procrastinate and cram, you may still do well on tests, but you'll learn very little. Even worse, don't cheat on term papers or tests.
- Be prepared to feel overwhelmed. There's a lot going in your life right now. Expect to have moments where it seems a bit too much. As one student says, be prepared to feel completely unprepared. The trick is knowing that you're not the only one feeling that way.
source: by Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.
-mismikz-= & knowbie.
On The Soft Side
School! School! School! School!
School....yes! Its school time! Students are ready preparing their new shoes, bags, accessories and all those what we call school stuffs! Its another bonding with the colleagues and a sort of refreshing the "laag" sessions as well. Getting into the usual spots and spending it to the fullest. But , first priority at all is study. Learning inside the four walls of the classroom is not just easy; you still need to explore outside of it. Try to think of putting yourself inside a close room, the more you stay inside the greater you can be a naive person. You must not be like that instead be you are and try to expose yourself. Confidence starts within you and the school as the institution where you are in most probably help you a lot.
School.... a big part of molding the life of a student. Here, you learn to be independent and shows who really you are. Shaping one's goal , inspiring one's self and desiring of aiming the best of life. Realizing at the end of the road that you are truly a person with self-confidence, trustworthy and with a successful career in the chosen field you take.
So....why should waste your time. Be responsible enough! School while young and start putting your dreams in reality!!:)
School....yes! Its school time! Students are ready preparing their new shoes, bags, accessories and all those what we call school stuffs! Its another bonding with the colleagues and a sort of refreshing the "laag" sessions as well. Getting into the usual spots and spending it to the fullest. But , first priority at all is study. Learning inside the four walls of the classroom is not just easy; you still need to explore outside of it. Try to think of putting yourself inside a close room, the more you stay inside the greater you can be a naive person. You must not be like that instead be you are and try to expose yourself. Confidence starts within you and the school as the institution where you are in most probably help you a lot.
School.... a big part of molding the life of a student. Here, you learn to be independent and shows who really you are. Shaping one's goal , inspiring one's self and desiring of aiming the best of life. Realizing at the end of the road that you are truly a person with self-confidence, trustworthy and with a successful career in the chosen field you take.
So....why should waste your time. Be responsible enough! School while young and start putting your dreams in reality!!:)
Sunggo of the Month
Fun Brain Teasers
Look at the chart below and say the COLOR of the word, not the word itself.
Look at the chart below and say the COLOR of the word, not the word itself.
Why is it so difficult? Because the right half of your brain
is trying to say the color, while the left side of your brain
is trying to say the word.
Why is it so difficult? Because the right half of your brain
is trying to say the color, while the left side of your brain
is trying to say the word.
-mismikz- & knowbie
Upcoming Events
June 14 , 2010 ------------->> First Flag Ceremony
June 22 , 2010 ----------------->> Cebu ICT 2010
June 25 , 2010 ----------------.>> DEVCON Philippines
June 26 , 2010 ------------------>> Deadline for Siglakas T-Shirt Design..!!!!!
June 30 , 2010 ---------------->> Deadline for the payment of Siglakas T-shirt!!!!!!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
March 2010: " Step into the Future."
“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
March is a special month for students especially to the seniors because it is in this month where a blue-colored date was turned into red. What is that day? That day is graduation day or I call it, “The Reaping”. No! It is not the horror movie but it was where students are paid off for all their struggles in their studies and sleepless nights preparing their semi-final machine problems and case studies. This reward is what parents been reminding them, Education, the only treasure that can’t be taken away from them.
Everything must come to an end. But then again, graduating is just the start. The start that challenges you to be in your own feet, to build your career and to make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you, and you must make use of it.
Congratulations seniors!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The SWU College of Computer Studies Order of the Lemon Microchip brings you another great issue with the theme: “Step into the Future”. Still, we aim to provide you, our much-loved readers, not only the latest gadgets and trends that are best for a graduation present but also tips on how to have ‘A’ grades for the finals in preparation for your graduation.
Before anything else, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to brilliant writers namely; Raymart Balderas (leader), Krizza Martinez and Chem-Chem Pescadero for their excellent efforts to February’s issue, Listen to your heart.
Last month, our poll question was about to love or to be loved. 70% of our readers are like me, Yes, like me. They prefer to be loved than to love. For me, it is more assuring knowing that someone LOVES me than to love someone whom I don’t know if he would love me in return. Anyway enough for LOVE LOVE thing…again take time to answer the poll question of the month.
Thank you.
Random Thoughts
Upon reading the title, what comes first in your mind? Is it the computers in the lab wherein if you’ll type or in the web, the result “ACCESS DENIED” will pop out? Or is it the porn sites you’ve visited a while ago at the internet café and you tend to brush your head because it was “ACCCES DENIED”? Well, these are some examples of the things related to ethical issues, and I’ve assumed that all of us knew about GMRC.
When we say ethical, it is the right thing to do; doing things morally. From the root word “ethics” which is derived from the Greek “ethos”. The ancient Greeks were greatly interested in issues of philosophy and thus we may consider ethics to relate to the philosophical study of the way in which we act. The Oxford English Dictionary also defines ethics as the science of morals in human.
As one of the students taking up the subject “Professional Ethics”, I was amazed that our world consists of lots of ethical issues. Ethical issues begin at one self. Then, it exists at family, at friends, at school, at church, at workplace or any other places. We can’t assure that any single days of our daily life, we can’t commit unethical things.
Let’s take closer look about the computers in our lab. It is unethical to surf on the web especially and while the professor is discussing his lessons. Right? By doing so, we disregard the presence of the professor and at the same time, disrespect him. The effects? The professor got mad and formulated a quiz. The result? Most of the students got ZERO! It is just one of the basic ethical issues but it can create big impact to us (students).
So learning from it, let’s focus more in the moral side. Listen carefully to the discussions and be attentive always! Cooperate! Now, it’s a GOOD THING that these words: “ACCESS DENIED” exists.
What's HOT?

1. Apple iPad - The Best Way to experience the web, emails, photos, and videos!
All of the built-in apps on iPad were designed from the ground up to take advantage of the large Multi-Touch screen. And they work in any orientation. So you can do things with these apps that you can’t do on any other device
Read More
2. LG - Chocolate BL40 - The SHAPE of the Future
Mobile Phone with 4.0” WVGA TFT touchscreen, Dual Screen UI, 5 MP Camera
The new LG Chocolate BL40 phone has a 4.0-inch wide HD LCD screen with 800x345 pixel resolution to maximize visual experience. The wide HD LCD “Real VGA” screen presents a vibrant range of natural colours, allowing photos to appear sharper, videos more true-to-life, games naturally vivid and documents more readable.Read More
3. Wireless Page to TV Magnifier - .Getting on in age might grant you senior citizen discounts whenever you head off to eat at a restaurant or take flights, but it does come with a price as well as you notice that your body does not seem to work as well as it used to in the past. One part of that would be your eyesight, so why not take advantage of your latest big screen TV purchase to use in tandem with the Wireless Page To TV Magnifier?
4. Antigravity Platform - Own an imposing office desk, but want to have that air of mysticsm around you? Why, there is the Antigravity Platform which will help break the ice in any social setting
Tips 'n Tricks
Are you ready for finals? Rule the school with surefire ways of acting your exams!
STEP 1: HAVE A STUDY PLAN AND FOLLOW IT IF YOU CAN. There is no reason why you should cram. If you plan effectively, you’ll be able to study a few hours a day until you exam. This will make easier for you to retain the information you need.
STEP 2: TIME NEVER RUNS OUT WHEN YOU’RE UP AND ABOUT. Your brain can only handle so much information at a given time. Give yourself a five-minute break for every 30 minutes of studying. This way, you brain won’t be too tired to think. You can walk around your room or grab a small snack – make sure you’re back at your desk in five minutes to study again. And remember to stick to your schedule, even if you favorite TV show is on.
STEP 3: MIND OVER MATTER MAKES YOU SMARTER. There are many ways to improve your memory:
- Read the material over and over
- Make up a song with the information you have
- Use acronym to remember a list of items
- Another variation is to use an acrostic
- Use flash card
- Use colors
- Act it out
STEP 4: DON’T YOU DARE NOT TO PREPARE. Get enough sleep before the day of your exam and eat food that is rich in Omega-3. These help the brain send signals back and forth effectively.
STEP 5: IF YOU DO YOUR BEST, YOU’LL REMEMBER THE REST. During you test, these tips will help you go all the way
- Go through all the sections of the exam before you begin answering them.
- Budget your time wisely.
- Always read the direction twice.
- Double check your answer.
Source: Candy Magazine, March Issue
On the SOFT Side
The Reaping...
The Month of March is most awaited by any regular student who is expecting to finish studies as the school year ends. And to those who are graduating, this month is full of excitement as they look forward towards their graduation day.
Grade school graduation is just another climb to higher learning. It is not yet a passport to job opportunities. High school diploma brings you to the tertiary level of learning which is even more complex and more expensive. College graduation allows you to join the greater sea of humanity, seeking and finding jobs here and there.
As a student, graduation is very meaningful. It is the fruit of the sacrifices of a student in indulging himself/herself in hardwork of studying, perseverance in doing the assigned tasks given by teachers in the classroom, patience in doing machine problems and case studies given by the professor and exerting effort to exercise self-discipline inorder to prioritize above all things; school work and studies. Graduation is success, which is the dream of any student in life. Once a student graduated, he turns on towards another phase of life. He will become a professional- an individual person who is now prepared and ready to what life offers ahead and capable to live life.
To parents, graduation is also a success. As their sons and daughters graduated they will be reaping the fruit of their labor and sacrifices. They will be happy to see the manifesto of being responsible parents.
Graduation is also accountable to our teachers. Committed and dedicated teachers produce quality graduates and eventually create better citizens.
For the graduates, do NOT forget to say thank you to your parents and give them a BIG hug! They deserve it!
Sunggo of the Month
At a musical recital five students (John, Kate, Larry, Mary and Nick) performed five musical pieces. Two by Bach, two by Mozart and one by Vivaldi. There were three violinists and two pianists. Each student performed only one piece, and played only one instrument. Find the order of the students, their respective instruments and the composer, with the following conditions:
1. The composers were not played consecutively. Vivaldi was played last and Mozart was played first.
2. There was one piano piece that was played between two violin pieces, and two violin pieces between the first and last piano piece.
3. There were no piano pieces by Mozart.
4. Kate played third.
5. Nick played the piano, and immediately followed John, who played a piece by Mozart.
6. Mary did not play a piece by Vivaldi.
1. The composers were not played consecutively. Vivaldi was played last and Mozart was played first.
2. There was one piano piece that was played between two violin pieces, and two violin pieces between the first and last piano piece.
3. There were no piano pieces by Mozart.
4. Kate played third.
5. Nick played the piano, and immediately followed John, who played a piece by Mozart.
6. Mary did not play a piece by Vivaldi.
Upcoming Events
March 5, 2010 - - SWU-CCS 6th Recognition Day
March 9-10, 2010 - - Final Exam (Graduating Students)
March 16-20, 2010 - - Final Exam (NON-Graduating)
March 21, 2010 - - ENROLLMENT for Summer Studies starts
Saturday, February 6, 2010
February 2010: “Listen to Your Heart…”
It’s February and people usually refer it as “Love Month” because of the Valentine’s Day celebration. And it often leads to one question: What is love? Some say it's mysterious, magical, complex, imaginary, inspirational, intuitional, joyous, immeasurable, ecstasy, and untold. Perhaps, for now, I want to share to you the best definition of love that has ever been written:
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.” - 1 Corinthians 13:5-7
The SWU College of Computer Studies Order of the Lemon Microchip brings you another great issue with the theme: “Listen to Your Heart”. Still, we aim to provide you, our much-loved readers, not only the latest but also the best gadgets and trends as we celebrate the love month.
In behalf of the writers for this month’s issue, I would like to extend my gratitude to the previous month’s writers namely: Neil Ramoneda (leader), Meryan Grace Bibar, and Warren Heludo. Last month, our poll question was about making a New Year’s resolution, and happily, 32% of our readers said YES with a big Y that they are going to make one. May you carry it on until the next years to come!
This ‘Love Month’ issue wouldn’t be possible without the converged efforts of the brilliant blog writers of this month namely: Reymart Balderas (leader), Krizza Martinez, and Charisma Pescadero. Bravo!
In behalf of the writers for this month’s issue, I would like to extend my gratitude to the previous month’s writers namely: Neil Ramoneda (leader), Meryan Grace Bibar, and Warren Heludo. Last month, our poll question was about making a New Year’s resolution, and happily, 32% of our readers said YES with a big Y that they are going to make one. May you carry it on until the next years to come!
This ‘Love Month’ issue wouldn’t be possible without the converged efforts of the brilliant blog writers of this month namely: Reymart Balderas (leader), Krizza Martinez, and Charisma Pescadero. Bravo!
Random Thoughts of the Month
Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you are as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it? Sometimes, it pays to stay in bed or in the Internet cafe, rather than spending the rest of the week debugging.
In computers, debugging is the process of locating and fixing or bypassing bugs (errors) in computer program code or the engineering of a hardware device. To debug a program or hardware device is to start with a problem, isolate the source of the problem, and then fix it. A user of a program that does not know how to fix the problem may learn enough about the problem to be able to avoid it until it is permanently fixed. When someone says they've debugged a program or "worked the bugs out" of a program, they imply that they fixed it so that the bugs no longer exist.
I am a student in Southwestern University taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. Having this course is not that easy because it needs a lot of hard work, focus and analysis in dealing with the program codes. For me analyzing complexity is the essence in a computer programming.
Same goes with life. Human beings are not perfect. We are not 100% sure about what’s in store for us; we are not sure about what will happen next, today, tomorrow or in the other future. We cannot manipulate things and we must admit that things don’t always go our way.
But one thing is for sure, we can’t be perfect but we can debug it. A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street. In my major subjects, I learned that a good code has its own best documentation. As you are about to add a comment to your program code, ask yourself, "How can I improve the code so that this comment isn't needed?" Always ask yourself of what you have done and what you must do.
In computers, debugging is the process of locating and fixing or bypassing bugs (errors) in computer program code or the engineering of a hardware device. To debug a program or hardware device is to start with a problem, isolate the source of the problem, and then fix it. A user of a program that does not know how to fix the problem may learn enough about the problem to be able to avoid it until it is permanently fixed. When someone says they've debugged a program or "worked the bugs out" of a program, they imply that they fixed it so that the bugs no longer exist.
What's Hot?
1. Track and navigate with Casio’s latest hybrid GPS camera
Casio has recently revealed its first compact digital camera. You must be thinking what’s so special in it. It’s just another digital camera. Well, the special feature is that it can track the way you are going to. It can guess that the big blue strip at the top is probably the sky. Yes, Casio Exilim EX-H10HG has ‘Hybrid GPS’ built-in support.
Read more: Click here
2. ExoPC Slate iPad like Windows 7 tablet PC
This New Year seems to be getting flooded by tablet computers. Leading its way, Apple recently announced its latest upcoming tablet PC namely iPad. Now, here is the new Windows 7 tablet PC – ExoPC which looks much like the Apple iPad. Although it is a tablet PC, the developers have provided it with netbook like specifications, which surely make it a powerful one. Apple iPad like looks adds to the overall killer X Factors of ExoPC Slate. Unlike most of the tablet PCs, this one is runs on Windows 7.
Read more: Click here
3. Rectangular shape MOTOCUBO A45 Eco Cellphone
For the Motorola gadget lovers here comes latest MOTOCUBO A45 Eco Cellphone showing much compatibility. The new exciting look will extremely cherish and captivate its customers. You can add fun and style in your lifestyle and personality. Just allow you to feel good and pleased to grab this unique gadget.
Read more: Click here
4. Stupendous version of Nokia X6
When people are upgrading their thoughts then why to carry old gadgets, just remake your personality with latest gadgets and devices. Broaden your mind with Nokia X6 releasing very soon especially to rejuvenate you. Nokia latest gadget is very cool, trendy and exceptionally sensational version. To create more fun and excitement it would be launched in a variety of vibrant colors. You will surely love its specifications and thrilling looks in mobile phones. It is officially announced with 16 GB edition and WiFi functionality.
Read more: Click here
5. Golden Bumblebee
KIRF S.T. DuPont is proud to announce smartly designed world smallest phone known as Golden Bumblebee. You can now embrace yourself with cutest and smallest gadget with illuminating golden color outlook. Everybody get easily fascinated with its just one glance. It can entertain with a handful of marvelous and captivating features. This spectacular device will gathers much of your attraction and gives a stylish approach to your lifestyle.
Read more: Click here
6. Simply a perfect choice Toshiba DVD player
Toshiba has an immense capacity to flaunt its customers with unlimited graceful range of gadgets. Now it has come up with new portable DVD player and cherishes you with its marvelous features. Just hold your hearts for the most wonderful and outstanding DVD player with a 12 inch LCD LED backlight display. You can amazed yourself with a resolution of 1,366 x 768 screen and rock your world with its sporty outlook. Its nice spectacular functionalities proffer an easy to avail operability so that you can make your experience more joyful and interesting.
Read more: Click here
7. i.Sound Crystal Ice Speakers
Looking at the i.Sound Crystal Speakers, its tiny package could make people think that anything that comes out of this would sound like squeaks. I mean, who would think that these babies measuring 5.75 x 8 x 2.75 ” could provide such clear and crisp sound even at maximum audio. But don’t expect to hear roaring sounds that can push music across your house, this can however manage a room. Each speaker is connected by a 32″ wire and another 32″ wire connects to your music player via the 3.5mm jack. Cool blue LED lights illuminate each cube which comes in handy if you want to have mood lights in your room. Just plug it in and the lights would automatically turn on.
Read more: Click here
8. Olympus Introduces Cameras: 30x Megazoom and Tough
Olympus introduces its 30x optical zoom Olympus SP-800UZ. The camera comes with the farthest-reaching telephoto end of any fixed-lens. It is considered to be a 14 megapixel camera that has dual image stabilization in order it could be possible to take steady high-zoom shots. The camera also includes manual controls, and offers 720p high-definition video capture HDMI-out. The SP-800UZ is equipped with a 3-inch LCD. One can observe motion-tracking autofocus and a one-shot panorama mode.
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Read more: Click here
2. ExoPC Slate iPad like Windows 7 tablet PC
Read more: Click here
3. Rectangular shape MOTOCUBO A45 Eco Cellphone
Read more: Click here
4. Stupendous version of Nokia X6
Read more: Click here
5. Golden Bumblebee
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6. Simply a perfect choice Toshiba DVD player
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7. i.Sound Crystal Ice Speakers
Read more: Click here
8. Olympus Introduces Cameras: 30x Megazoom and Tough
Read more: Click here
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